Welcome aboard our sustainable journey

We are committed to sustainability and ensuring we play our part in protecting the environment for future generations.

Preserving our future

As pioneers in marine electronics, we have embarked on a journey towards a more sustainable future. We know that true sustainability goes beyond mere words—it requires unwavering dedication, focus, and transparency. 

With over 80 years of innovation already behind us, we understand the vital importance of preserving the marine environment for generations to come. To ensure we meet this aim we are defining a roadmap through to 2030 setting out clear objectives. We are committed to taking tangible actions towards sustainability, focusing on identifying impactful areas for positive change rather than just making promises.

Our passage to sustainability

At the heart of our mission lies a dedication to accountability and responsibility. We pledge to hold ourselves accountable to the marine community and our journey will be guided by three core values; preserving marine life, access for all and innovating for the future.

Charting our course towards 2030

Our journey towards a more sustainable future is not a one-time effort but an ongoing commitment that will become ingrained in every aspect of our operations. We know that staying true to our promise means staying focused and being transparent. 

Communicating our progress, challenges, and aspirations, and holding ourselves accountable will play a key role in ensuring we are successful in our aims.

Together with the boating community and our customers, we will continue to innovate, collaborate, and push boundaries, ensuring that our oceans remain vibrant and resilient for generations to come.

What is Ecovadis?

What is Ecovadis?

EcoVadis is a globally recognised assessment platform that rates businesses' sustainability based on four key categories: environmental impact, labour and human rights standards, ethics, and procurement practices.

EcoVadis offers a collaborative platform where companies can assess, monitor, and improve their sustainability performance. By using this, Raymarine can drive continuous improvement in our sustainability efforts and, ensure transparency and accountability in our operations.

What does our progress look like?

While there is still plenty of work to be done, we are proud of the milestones we have already achieved. Here are just a few examples.

  • Our commitment has been recognised with the prestigious Ecovadis Silver accreditation, placing us in the top 15% of environmentally responsible companies.
  • Through concerted efforts, we reduced Scope 1 and 2* carbon emissions by an impressive 38% in 2022 compared to our 2019 baseline1.
  • We have started the transition to renewable energy, installing solar panels in our UK headquarters which are projected to slash our emissions by an additional 35 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year.
  • Plastic-free packaging is now standard on all our new products, preventing 20 tonnes (30,000 pieces) of plastic waste annually. We are also reviewing all existing packaging solutions to bring these in line too1.
  • By transitioning our product manuals to digital formats, we're saving over 250 trees per year, with projections indicating savings of over 700 trees annually once fully implemented1.
  • We have also made great strides in reducing paper consumption by significantly reducing printed product brochures, saving approximately 1.5 million sheets of paper per year1.

* Scope 1: Direct emissions from owned or directly controlled sources. Scope 2: Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy.

1 Not externally audited.

What is our focus for 2025?

What is our focus for 2025?

  • Commencing April 2024, our engineers and designers will be trained to integrate sustainability considerations into every new product design.
  • Reviewing the “End of life” process for our products to support a reduction in electronic waste.
  • We are collaborating with our manufacturers to explore more ways to minimize energy consumption and waste during production.
  • Embedding sustainability into our business culture through our team of “Sustainability Champions” across the globe. 
  • We are exploring ways to leverage our software to empower customers with information to make more sustainable boating choices.
  • Completing the Ecovadis reassessment and make improvements which are recognized by an increased score.

Read our latest Sustainability Report

Find out more about our goals and targets for our passage to sustainability.